Saturday, May 9, 2015

Making Plans

In February 2012, I was so excited for the next year. As important dates rolled past, I'd think:

"This could be my last summer off by myself."
"This could be the last trip to Alive for awhile because we'll have a baby at home."
"This could be our last Christmas by ourselves."
"This could be our last vacation just the two of us."

The list goes on and on... I've had 4 Mother's Days, 3 Christmases, 4 trips to Alive, etc. etc. etc.

I also would set goals of some kind in my mind. "One way or the other, this roller coaster will be done in June." "One way or the other, this roller coaster will be done by December."

I also debated saying yes and no to things due to the possibility of being pregnant. Last summer when we contemplated buying King's Island passes, we debated the idea. When we decided to go to Europe, that was a worry. When I was asked in 2013 to teach a spring class at CCU, I debated the idea. When I was asked in 2015 to teach to teach a spring class at CCU, I debated the idea. 

It was very healthy for me when I stopped worrying about those things. We don't make plans based on the possibility of us getting pregnant. If we do, we'll cancel away. But we'd be missing out on too much life if we said no due to the what ifs...

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