Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Messy Middle

Last September, as Joel and I were gearing up for our first round of IVF, my dear friend Emily sent me these encouraging words in an email. I held on to that email because the message was so important and it still is.

"I think about our journey and the journey you and Joel are on right now. The beginning was so special....the decision that you are ready to create a family with the person you love more than anyone in the world.  And I promise promise promise you the end will be more beautiful than your wildest dreams. It's the middle that's a mess. But the strange part is that from the other end, I wouldn't change a thing about the middle. It made me stronger as a person, stronger as a spouse, and stronger as a mom.  And it made me appreciate how amazing and miraculous and unbelievable it is to have a little angel hug you and say "I love you Mommy." The middle you're in is a mess.  But the end is worth a thousand messy journeys....."

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